5play.org / News / The blades of the Chinese wind turbine will occupy six football fields in area

The blades of the Chinese wind turbine will occupy six football fields in area

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The blades of the Chinese wind turbine will occupy six football fields in area
MingYang Smart Energy, an energy company from China, has unveiled the largest wind generator ever. The MySE 16.0-242 unit has a power of 16 MW and a height of 242 m.

According to the developers, the wind farm will be able to provide electricity to 20 thousand households over a 25-year life. Energy will be obtained by rotating three blades with a length of 118 m. Thus, the covered area will be 46 thousand m2, which is more than six fields for big football.

The annual output of the wind turbine will be 80 GWh. MingYang says the plant will be the first in a range of solutions with a capacity of 15 MW or more. The prototype will be ready next year, and in 2023 it will be put into operation. Serial launch will begin in the first half of 2024. It is noteworthy that the wind generator can be mounted on the seabed or on a special platform.

According to the US Department of Energy, water-borne wind farms are by far the most costly to manufacture. Now they spend $ 120.52 for 1 MW of such electricity, and $ 32.78 for autonomous solar electricity, and this is not taking into account subsidies. According to experts, by 2050 this figure will be reduced by 37-49%.
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