Pavel Durov announced the launch of an advertising platform in Telegram. The creator of the messenger assured that it would not cause any inconvenience to users due to the competent approach to the display.
The plans to introduce official advertising in Telegram were announced at the end of last year. Now it has been launched in test mode. Telegram promises to share revenues from advertising materials with channel owners after covering the basic costs of the messenger.
Advertisements will appear at the bottom of the feed with the label "Sponsored Posts". Advertising texts will be subject to moderation - they will not be allowed to post clickbait and spam messages, fake promises, shock content, sexual content, references to a person and various preferences, information about gambling, politics, drugs, tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, weapons and other aspects.

Durov listed the basic principles of advertising on resources, thanks to which it will not cause problems for users:
1. Advertising messages will appear exclusively in public channels with an audience of 1,000 or more people. It will not be in groups, chat lists and personal correspondence.
2. Lack of personalization for users. The content of the advertisement will depend only on the topic of the channel.
3. Unobtrusiveness, message length up to 160 characters, lack of external links and images. Also, the material will be shown only at the very end of the channel tape.
According to the creator of the messenger, the income from such unobtrusive advertising will help cover current expenses in order to continue to provide users with unlimited free service.
The Durov Code channel also showed the platform's cabinet, which indicated the advertising price per thousand impressions in the amount of € 2 and the minimum advertising budget for launching in the amount of € 2 million.

The plans to introduce official advertising in Telegram were announced at the end of last year. Now it has been launched in test mode. Telegram promises to share revenues from advertising materials with channel owners after covering the basic costs of the messenger.
Advertisements will appear at the bottom of the feed with the label "Sponsored Posts". Advertising texts will be subject to moderation - they will not be allowed to post clickbait and spam messages, fake promises, shock content, sexual content, references to a person and various preferences, information about gambling, politics, drugs, tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, weapons and other aspects.

Durov listed the basic principles of advertising on resources, thanks to which it will not cause problems for users:
1. Advertising messages will appear exclusively in public channels with an audience of 1,000 or more people. It will not be in groups, chat lists and personal correspondence.
2. Lack of personalization for users. The content of the advertisement will depend only on the topic of the channel.
3. Unobtrusiveness, message length up to 160 characters, lack of external links and images. Also, the material will be shown only at the very end of the channel tape.
According to the creator of the messenger, the income from such unobtrusive advertising will help cover current expenses in order to continue to provide users with unlimited free service.
The Durov Code channel also showed the platform's cabinet, which indicated the advertising price per thousand impressions in the amount of € 2 and the minimum advertising budget for launching in the amount of € 2 million.

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