After the announcement of the Telegram Premium subscription, detailed information about its merits became known. The full list of exclusives was posted on the Telegram Info channel.
Among the most interesting features, it is worth noting a special badge near the account name, full-screen stickers, more emoji for reactions. Also, developers will increase the number of folders (from 10 to 20) and chats in them (from 100 to 200). The limit on channels and groups will increase from five hundred to one thousand.

Also, the owner of a paid subscription will get a large number of pinned chats/groups both in the main feed (10, not 5) and in folders (200, not 100). In addition, the number of public links for channels and groups (from 10 to 20) and favorite stickers (from 5 to 10) will increase. In the future, the functionality of the premium subscription will expand, developers are trying with might and main various features for paid accounts. When the full release of the subscription will take place is unknown.
Among the most interesting features, it is worth noting a special badge near the account name, full-screen stickers, more emoji for reactions. Also, developers will increase the number of folders (from 10 to 20) and chats in them (from 100 to 200). The limit on channels and groups will increase from five hundred to one thousand.

Also, the owner of a paid subscription will get a large number of pinned chats/groups both in the main feed (10, not 5) and in folders (200, not 100). In addition, the number of public links for channels and groups (from 10 to 20) and favorite stickers (from 5 to 10) will increase. In the future, the functionality of the premium subscription will expand, developers are trying with might and main various features for paid accounts. When the full release of the subscription will take place is unknown.
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