Gamers are going to break the online record in Half-Life. A year earlier, we managed to beat the results of the second part

Fans of the cult series of shooters are going to hold a new global flash mob.
To break the record, fans of the franchise, which launched in 1998, will have to log into the game on August 14, 2022 at 18:00 Moscow time, and at the same time, gamers will have to spend at least half an hour playing the gameplay. It will be possible to break the record if it is possible to surpass the result of 2019, when users set an indicator of 6022 people online at the same time.

Last August, the same flash mob took place, but only for the second part of the cult series. The record was broken: instead of the previous 13,216 concurrent users, the fans set the result at 16,101 people.
To break the record, fans of the franchise, which launched in 1998, will have to log into the game on August 14, 2022 at 18:00 Moscow time, and at the same time, gamers will have to spend at least half an hour playing the gameplay. It will be possible to break the record if it is possible to surpass the result of 2019, when users set an indicator of 6022 people online at the same time.

Last August, the same flash mob took place, but only for the second part of the cult series. The record was broken: instead of the previous 13,216 concurrent users, the fans set the result at 16,101 people.
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