Rumor has it that the not yet presented Pixel 7 Pro will receive the function of changing the screen resolution. The developer did not want to wait for the release of the smartphone and implemented this option in the Pixel 6 Pro through the Kirisakura core. In theory, the function can increase the energy efficiency of the device.

A reputable developer from the XDA-Developers portal with the nickname Freak07 enabled the feature of changing the screen resolution available in Android 13 by adding an option to his custom Kirisakura kernel. As a result, the resolution changed from 1440p to 1080p. According to the developer, the function is quite working, but there are drawbacks in the form of a lack of unlocking by double-clicking, bugs when showing the display refresh rate, and the presence of a number of flaws in the settings.
It is curious that Kirisakura was not created for this experiment with changing the screen resolution. Freak07 started work on the core in November 2021. Since then, the Kirisakura discussion on XDA has stretched over 103 pages.

A reputable developer from the XDA-Developers portal with the nickname Freak07 enabled the feature of changing the screen resolution available in Android 13 by adding an option to his custom Kirisakura kernel. As a result, the resolution changed from 1440p to 1080p. According to the developer, the function is quite working, but there are drawbacks in the form of a lack of unlocking by double-clicking, bugs when showing the display refresh rate, and the presence of a number of flaws in the settings.
It is curious that Kirisakura was not created for this experiment with changing the screen resolution. Freak07 started work on the core in November 2021. Since then, the Kirisakura discussion on XDA has stretched over 103 pages.
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