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Telegram took over a large number of nicknames

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Telegram took over a large number of nicknames
The messenger seized an impressive amount of unique names and names of channels and groups. These are inactive accounts. In total, Telegram has at its disposal about 70% of previously reserved nicknames that have not been active for one year. Soon they will be available to all users again, but some of them will become paid.

Pavel Durov, the main creator of the application, spoke about this withdrawal procedure on his official channel. The entry notes that before that, 70% of all names in Telegram were reserved in inactive channels by cybersquatters from Iran. Such actions did not allow ordinary users to choose their favorite nickname for the account or the name of the channel, since their name options were taken.

Telegram took over a large number of nicknames

According to Durov, in mid-August, Telegram removed all public addresses related to empty or inactive channels for one year. 99% of addresses are planned to be introduced into general consumption for the second time, this will be done with the introduction of new algorithms and geolocation restrictions so that a wider range of users can get the most benefit from their choice.

In addition, the entrepreneur said that the administration of the messenger would sell the most valuable short nicknames by auction. In his opinion, the purchase of names for real money motivates the owners to use them for their intended purpose and thus bring more benefits to the audience of the messenger.

Before the entry appeared in the channel of Pavel Durov, the creators of the Telegram Info project made an appeal to the administration of the messenger and created a petition to return the seized addresses to the old owners. They explained their position by the fact that some inactive channels can be used by authors as business cards, encyclopedic resources or public archives, so there is no need to post regular fresh posts in them. Telegram did not respond to this situation in any way.
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