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Apple's car is a success

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Apple's car is a success
Consulting agency Strategic Vision conducted a survey of car owners about the quality of 45 car manufacturers. The study names a Cupertino company as a possible automaker for the first time. As a result, many drivers have spoken out in favor of Apple releasing vehicles.

Apple's car is a success

Apple CarPlay interface

The researchers asked American car enthusiasts to rank various brands that are present in the United States market and beyond. Since Apple does not yet release machines, the company was not previously on this list. However, against the background of rumors about the release of the car under the apple brand, it was included in the list. As a result, a third of the respondents participating in the survey had a positive attitude towards the car from Apple.

In the ranking of brand mentions, Cupertinians took third place. 26% of those surveyed said they would consider purchasing a car from Apple in the future. Nearly 24% of those surveyed said they value the quality of the apple brand, which is twice that of Honda, Toyota and Telsa. However, it is worth noting that people evaluated the experience of using Apple technology and correlated it with transport. Interestingly, the brand is already somewhat present in the automotive market in the form of the CarPlay system.

According to Strategic Vision's deputy president for strategic planning, Alexander Edwards, the strength of the brand will allow Apple to gain an impressive base of potential customers, so other manufacturers should prepare for tough competition.

The results of the same survey suggest that 50% of Tesla electric car owners may switch to an Apple car in the future.
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