![Telegram will add Stories](/uploads/posts/2023-06/1687845652_2.webp)
Pavel Durov announced a new feature in his channel.
According to Durov, Stories will appear in the application after numerous requests from users. This will happen at the start of July with the release of the update.
After the update, users will be able to choose who can see their Stories: it can be all people, only users from the list of contacts, or generally only close friends. Stories will be placed in the expandable section at the top of the chat list.
It will be possible to show text, links and marks of other users in the history. In addition, it will be possible to demonstrate clips and photos taken simultaneously by the main camera and the selfie camera. Stories will be stored for six, twelve hours, a day or two days, depending on the user's choice.
According to Durov, Stories will appear in the application after numerous requests from users. This will happen at the start of July with the release of the update.
After the update, users will be able to choose who can see their Stories: it can be all people, only users from the list of contacts, or generally only close friends. Stories will be placed in the expandable section at the top of the chat list.
It will be possible to show text, links and marks of other users in the history. In addition, it will be possible to demonstrate clips and photos taken simultaneously by the main camera and the selfie camera. Stories will be stored for six, twelve hours, a day or two days, depending on the user's choice.
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