The user showed how Minecraft looks in 4K resolution and with realistic textures

The author of the Digital Dreams YouTube channel installed a sandbox mod with a realistic visual and turned on the game in high resolution. It came out very great.
The YouTuber shared the results of his work in a video. On the frames you can see a realistic physical model of the behavior of water and other objects. Also in the video there are high-performance textures.
The mod produces a stable frame rate most of the time, but sometimes it can sag up to 15 FPS. Therefore, the game will require powerful hardware.
The YouTuber shared the results of his work in a video. On the frames you can see a realistic physical model of the behavior of water and other objects. Also in the video there are high-performance textures.
The mod produces a stable frame rate most of the time, but sometimes it can sag up to 15 FPS. Therefore, the game will require powerful hardware.
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