It's about stories.
Pavel Durov posted a post on his account in which he said that stories would become available without purchasing a Premium subscription. It happened exactly on the tenth anniversary of the creation of the messenger.

The stories feature was introduced to the app in July, but was previously only available with a paid premium subscription. In the future, according to Durov, some more changes await the messenger.
According to Pavel, at the moment the Telegram audience has over 800 million users.
Pavel Durov posted a post on his account in which he said that stories would become available without purchasing a Premium subscription. It happened exactly on the tenth anniversary of the creation of the messenger.

The stories feature was introduced to the app in July, but was previously only available with a paid premium subscription. In the future, according to Durov, some more changes await the messenger.
According to Pavel, at the moment the Telegram audience has over 800 million users.
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