5play.org / News / The developers of the fan remake of Fallout 2 intend to release the game on Steam

The developers of the fan remake of Fallout 2 intend to release the game on Steam

The developers of the fan remake of Fallout 2 intend to release the game on Steam
The project, called Fallout 4: Project Arroyo, has been in development since 2018.

The developers of the fan remake of Fallout 2 intend to release the game on Steam

The creators of a fan remake of Fallout 2 using the Fallout 4 engine want to release their work on Steam. This practice is not something new: earlier, the Enderal mod for TES V: Skyrim appeared on Steam, available for free to owners of the original game. The release of a remake on the site will allow it to expand its audience, as well as release updates and patches more quickly.

The release date for Fallout 4: Project Arroyo is still unknown. Previously, the developers showed a comparison of their mod with the original game.

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