5play.org / News / Insider: Four Assassin's Creed games to be released in 2025

Insider: Four Assassin's Creed games to be released in 2025

Insider: Four Assassin's Creed games to be released in 2025
Despite financial and other problems, Ubisoft intends to release several projects of one of its most famous gaming franchises.

Authoritative insider Tom Henderson, as a guest on the podcast of the editor of the Windows Central website Jez Cordon, spoke about his vision of the near future of Assassin's Creed. In his opinion, in 2025, Ubisoft will release four games of the franchise.

Thus, the long-suffering Shadows should be released on February 14. In October and November, respectively, the multiplayer Invictus and the remake of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag may be released. Finally, in 2025, the release of Jade for Android and iOS may take place, but a more precise date has not been announced.

So far, these are all rumors, but Henderson rarely misses. It is curious that this insider said in early October that as many as ten Assassin's Creed games will be released in the next 5 years.
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