The development team announced the long-awaited function of converting voice messages into text. This feature will be especially useful for users who do not like or cannot listen to audio recordings. Unlike Telegram, where this function is only available with a paid subscription, WhatsApp will provide it for free.
According to the company, transcription of audio messages occurs locally on the device, not in the cloud. This means that the content of the messages does not leave the smartphone, which ensures a high level of privacy.

The official WhatsApp blog emphasizes that audio messages remain an important way of communication, especially when it comes to long distances between interlocutors. However, there are situations when listening is inconvenient - for example, in a noisy environment, on the road, or if the audio recording is too long.
The developers said that the function will be rolled out in stages and will become available to users around the world within a few weeks. In the future, it is planned to expand the list of supported languages.

To activate this option, you need to go to the messenger settings in the "Chats" section and enable "Transcription of voice messages". To transcribe, you will need to hold your finger on the recording and select the "Transcribe" option from the pop-up menu.
The innovation promises to make communication in WhatsApp even more convenient and accessible for all users.
According to the company, transcription of audio messages occurs locally on the device, not in the cloud. This means that the content of the messages does not leave the smartphone, which ensures a high level of privacy.

The official WhatsApp blog emphasizes that audio messages remain an important way of communication, especially when it comes to long distances between interlocutors. However, there are situations when listening is inconvenient - for example, in a noisy environment, on the road, or if the audio recording is too long.
The developers said that the function will be rolled out in stages and will become available to users around the world within a few weeks. In the future, it is planned to expand the list of supported languages.

To activate this option, you need to go to the messenger settings in the "Chats" section and enable "Transcription of voice messages". To transcribe, you will need to hold your finger on the recording and select the "Transcribe" option from the pop-up menu.
The innovation promises to make communication in WhatsApp even more convenient and accessible for all users.
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