Basic information about the product stored in the barcode, until recently, was used a linear code. However, technology does not stand still, in the new QR codes can contain data not only about goods but also the Internet links, texts.
To read this information, you can use your smartphone as a scanner, provided that it has utility Barcode Scanner. This application is specially designed for this task. To scan it use the camera of the gadget, the result is displayed directly on the screen or redirects to the appropriate online resource, recognize the different types of codes.
Information can be quickly processed and used at your discretion to send an email, add to one of the contacts. Simple interface makes the Barcode Scanner easy to use. In addition, the application can convert data into code, you can encrypt links or text values.
To read this information, you can use your smartphone as a scanner, provided that it has utility Barcode Scanner. This application is specially designed for this task. To scan it use the camera of the gadget, the result is displayed directly on the screen or redirects to the appropriate online resource, recognize the different types of codes.
Information can be quickly processed and used at your discretion to send an email, add to one of the contacts. Simple interface makes the Barcode Scanner easy to use. In addition, the application can convert data into code, you can encrypt links or text values.
Download Barcode Scanner free for android
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