SpaceX creator Elon Musk announced on Twitter about the start of a program to obtain rocket fuel from CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere. Analysts believe that, if successful, the technology will make it possible to obtain fuel on Mars as well.

Musk did not name the exact date of the launch of the program. In doing so, he invites potential partners to support the initiative. According to available data, the processing technology will be based on the Sabatier reaction, during which the air is purified from carbon dioxide and methane is obtained.
The atmosphere of the Red Planet for the most part consists of carbon dioxide, which theoretically will make it possible to provide space expeditions with fuel to return to Earth. In addition, processing facilities can also be used to clean the earth's atmosphere. The timing of the launch of the SpaceX project is still unknown.

Musk did not name the exact date of the launch of the program. In doing so, he invites potential partners to support the initiative. According to available data, the processing technology will be based on the Sabatier reaction, during which the air is purified from carbon dioxide and methane is obtained.
The atmosphere of the Red Planet for the most part consists of carbon dioxide, which theoretically will make it possible to provide space expeditions with fuel to return to Earth. In addition, processing facilities can also be used to clean the earth's atmosphere. The timing of the launch of the SpaceX project is still unknown.
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