The iPhone has a useful function to automatically fill in SMS confirmation codes in various forms, which is often used by criminals. To protect users from fraudulent sites, Apple has improved the tool, and now it will be able to recognize suspicious SMS with one-time passwords.

Previously, the smartphone independently copied the one-time password that came in SMS from the Messages program to the clipboard and entered it into the authorization form. Now, when updating the security policy, Apple will require companies using this method of verification to send passwords in a much safer way.
With the updated approach in iOS, autofill can only be done when the domain in the short message is identical to the domain name in the authorization form. For example, if the link actually leads to apple.securelogin.com when you sign in to your account on apple.com, then the form will not be autofilled.
This method is designed for the attentiveness of the iPhone user, therefore it is less secure than generating codes. However, the developers are confident that even such an algorithm will reduce the risks of fraudulent activities.

Previously, the smartphone independently copied the one-time password that came in SMS from the Messages program to the clipboard and entered it into the authorization form. Now, when updating the security policy, Apple will require companies using this method of verification to send passwords in a much safer way.
With the updated approach in iOS, autofill can only be done when the domain in the short message is identical to the domain name in the authorization form. For example, if the link actually leads to apple.securelogin.com when you sign in to your account on apple.com, then the form will not be autofilled.
This method is designed for the attentiveness of the iPhone user, therefore it is less secure than generating codes. However, the developers are confident that even such an algorithm will reduce the risks of fraudulent activities.
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