5play.org / News / Japan's fiber optic network reaches 1,000,000 Gbps data rate

Japan's fiber optic network reaches 1,000,000 Gbps data rate

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Japan's fiber optic network reaches 1,000,000 Gbps data rate
Experts from the Japanese Institute NICT have broken record data transfer rates. The results obtained exceeded the capabilities of the most high-speed basic tariffs to date by almost a hundred thousand times.

Japan's fiber optic network reaches 1,000,000 Gbps data rate

The report documents indicate that using a fiber optic cable that is compatible with existing infrastructure elements, scientists were able to achieve a transmission rate of 1.02 Pbps, which equals more than 100,000 Gbps). Theoretically, these indicators may be enough to include 10 million video broadcasts in 8K format at the same time.

During the tests, the researchers transmitted data over a distance of 51.7 km, while the number of lines in the fiber they increased from 1 to 4, and the bandwidth was expanded to 20 THz. In addition, the specialists upgraded the method of amplifying and modulating the signal by distributing it over three frequency ranges. When such networks will be commercialized is still unknown.
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