Minecraft is censored. Gamers against innovation

Fans of the famous sandbox made a fuss about the appearance of automatic chat moderation in the game. They consider it a manifestation of censorship.

Chat auto-moderation appeared in update 1.19.1. The function is to delete unwanted messages by the computer. Previously, only gamers themselves could delete. The patch has already received the characteristic name "1.19.84" from the players, referring to George Orwell's legendary dystopia, which featured a "big brother" who is watching you.

In some cases, the system is able to completely block the player's account. The hashtag #SaveMinecraft has already gone viral on Twitter, and gamers are calling on the creators to remove the new feature. The creators, in turn, remain in their opinion and are not going to change anything, but they are ready to discuss with the fans.

The decision of the authors can be understood, since Minecraft is primarily a project for a children's audience. However, players are trying to get around this problem, and they have already found one way. It consists in mods that disable the ability to block gamers for chat messages.

Chat auto-moderation appeared in update 1.19.1. The function is to delete unwanted messages by the computer. Previously, only gamers themselves could delete. The patch has already received the characteristic name "1.19.84" from the players, referring to George Orwell's legendary dystopia, which featured a "big brother" who is watching you.

In some cases, the system is able to completely block the player's account. The hashtag #SaveMinecraft has already gone viral on Twitter, and gamers are calling on the creators to remove the new feature. The creators, in turn, remain in their opinion and are not going to change anything, but they are ready to discuss with the fans.

The decision of the authors can be understood, since Minecraft is primarily a project for a children's audience. However, players are trying to get around this problem, and they have already found one way. It consists in mods that disable the ability to block gamers for chat messages.
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