Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have developed a biofilm capable of generating electricity from sweat. In the future, the technology will allow powering various wearable devices, ranging from medical sensors to electronic gadgets.

The modified bacteria Geobacter Sulfreducens are responsible for energy conversion in the film. Previously, these microorganisms have already been used in such developments, but now scientists have managed to use not living, but dead individuals. This means that the bacteria will not require a nutrient medium. A biofilm of dead bacteria is placed between electrodes and sealed in a flexible, sticky, and air-conducting polymer that is applied to the skin.
In the future, the development may well replace much more bulky batteries and accumulators that need constant charging.

The modified bacteria Geobacter Sulfreducens are responsible for energy conversion in the film. Previously, these microorganisms have already been used in such developments, but now scientists have managed to use not living, but dead individuals. This means that the bacteria will not require a nutrient medium. A biofilm of dead bacteria is placed between electrodes and sealed in a flexible, sticky, and air-conducting polymer that is applied to the skin.
In the future, the development may well replace much more bulky batteries and accumulators that need constant charging.
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