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Plasma Mobile received an update

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Plasma Mobile received an update
The shell for Linux distributions, sharpened for use on mobile devices, has received an update. The new version is already available for download.

Plasma Mobile received an update

Plasma Mobile is an open source user interface based on the KDE environment optimized for mobile devices. The shell functions on top of the Linux distribution and provides all the features of the operating system for the owner of the gadget. The creators of Plasma Mobile characterize their development as an open and secure ecosystem with high privacy.

The Plasma 5.26 update brought a number of interface changes. So, the developers have worked on improving the work of notifications, the settings menu, calls, the weather widget, and the terminal. On the website of the creators you can find a complete list of changes. The video below shows the main elements of the interface of the new version of the shell.

Plasma Mobile is supported by both popular distributions (for example, Manjaro, Debian, Arch) and not very common ones, for example, postmarketOS. The latter can be installed on the largest number of mobile devices from well-known brands, from Samsung to Xiaomi. Mostly, these are smartphones and tablets of past generations.

Installing a Linux-based firmware is as easy as installing some custom Android firmware. The list of compatible devices can be found here, for each device there is an installation instruction.
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