5play.org / News / It turned out that YouTube can be a free file storage

It turned out that YouTube can be a free file storage

It turned out that YouTube can be a free file storage
The hidden possibility of popular video hosting was discovered by an enthusiast.

A developer with the nickname DvorakDwarf was able to adapt the servers of the video platform to store files like cloud storage. He freely shared his find with everyone.

The principle of operation of storing files on YouTube is to pack these files into videos and then upload the video to video hosting. DvorakDwarf created a special utility for this. It is known that YouTube does not set limits on the number of uploaded videos, so it can be used as a free file storage. But still, the developer warns users against excessive use of this method of storing files, since YouTube may well be what is called "get angry and close the shop."

Binary files of the utility for packing files and the method of converting them to video DvorakDwarf posted on GitHub. So far, the method only works on Linux OS. When there is demand from the audience, the exe. for Windows OS may appear later.
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