The main character of the show will be a young Winston, the old version of which was performed by Ian McShane in the feature films.
The video quickly showed the beauty of New York in the 70s, as well as very spectacular shootouts and hand-to-hand combat, made in the style of the main franchise. According to the plot, Winston is not yet the manager of the famous hotel for killers. The story will also touch on the scavengers' strike and the events that led to the strengthening of the influence of mafia clans on the city.

The project will be released as a mini-series in September this year. In total, the show has 3 episodes lasting 1.5 hours. The producer of the series is Chad Stahelski, the director of the original quadrology, so there is no doubt about the high quality of the action scenes. The release of "Continental" will take place on the streaming service Peacock.

The video quickly showed the beauty of New York in the 70s, as well as very spectacular shootouts and hand-to-hand combat, made in the style of the main franchise. According to the plot, Winston is not yet the manager of the famous hotel for killers. The story will also touch on the scavengers' strike and the events that led to the strengthening of the influence of mafia clans on the city.

The project will be released as a mini-series in September this year. In total, the show has 3 episodes lasting 1.5 hours. The producer of the series is Chad Stahelski, the director of the original quadrology, so there is no doubt about the high quality of the action scenes. The release of "Continental" will take place on the streaming service Peacock.

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