5play.org / News / A half-hour video has been released with gameplay of the GTA San Andreas RTX Remix remaster

A half-hour video has been released with gameplay of the GTA San Andreas RTX Remix remaster

A half-hour video has been released with gameplay of the GTA San Andreas RTX Remix remaster
There were some shortcomings, but overall the graphics have improved.

YouTuber Cycu1 posted a gameplay video with the opening scenes of GTA: San Andreas, in which NVIDIA RTX Remix tools were used. As a result, this version of the game received modernized lighting and some textures. Reflections have also been improved.

There were some negative aspects as well. Thus, the amateur version of the game has a number of graphic artifacts. For example, flashes from gunshots remain near the muzzle after the bullets are fired. Also, in some rooms the light does not work, so you can hardly see anything in them.

In addition, Cycu1 posted a comparison video where the remaster is compared with the original. You can download the mod here.
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