For a long time, the WhatsApp messenger did not allow communication on other gadgets without authorization on the main one. In the future, this drawback will be eliminated: the developers began testing the new version of the program without this disadvantage.
The beta version released the day before allows you to use all the functions of the application both on the main device and on four additional devices separately. Now the user will be able to continue to communicate, even if the battery of his smartphone or tablet has run out. Also, the functionality has been supplemented with the option of splitting sessions on different devices. So, a user, being in one account, will be able to simultaneously call from one device and view text chats on another.
The feature was made possible by the use of full end-to-end encryption. In previous versions of the program, a single identifier was used for all encrypted messages, but now the keys are generated separately for each device.
The presented function is currently available only to the test group. The timing of its appearance in the release version has not yet been officially announced.
The beta version released the day before allows you to use all the functions of the application both on the main device and on four additional devices separately. Now the user will be able to continue to communicate, even if the battery of his smartphone or tablet has run out. Also, the functionality has been supplemented with the option of splitting sessions on different devices. So, a user, being in one account, will be able to simultaneously call from one device and view text chats on another.
The feature was made possible by the use of full end-to-end encryption. In previous versions of the program, a single identifier was used for all encrypted messages, but now the keys are generated separately for each device.
The presented function is currently available only to the test group. The timing of its appearance in the release version has not yet been officially announced.
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