Hardcore game Dead Cells will be lowered

The developers of Dead Cells will reduce the hardcore passage of their title Dead Cells. Previously, the creators of the kung fu action Sifu did the same.
The ability to reduce the difficulty of passing will appear with the next update of the game. If earlier, after the death of the character, the gamer had to start all over again, now he will be sent only to the start of the current biome. At the same time, the possibility of passing with a high level of difficulty will not be lost, so hardcore fans should not worry. In addition, the developers will introduce auto-targeting options for opponents, simplified parrying, and functions for adjusting damage parameters and opponents' health points.
Players should not be afraid of more casualness, since this step of the developers allows you to open the game to a wider audience. Fans of hardcore will not lose the opportunity to the story campaign in more difficult conditions.
The creators have not announced the exact release date of the update. Dead Cells itself was released in 2018, and since then has received positive feedback from both players and the specialized press. The game also received several major and free updates, the latest of which became available in March.
The ability to reduce the difficulty of passing will appear with the next update of the game. If earlier, after the death of the character, the gamer had to start all over again, now he will be sent only to the start of the current biome. At the same time, the possibility of passing with a high level of difficulty will not be lost, so hardcore fans should not worry. In addition, the developers will introduce auto-targeting options for opponents, simplified parrying, and functions for adjusting damage parameters and opponents' health points.
Players should not be afraid of more casualness, since this step of the developers allows you to open the game to a wider audience. Fans of hardcore will not lose the opportunity to the story campaign in more difficult conditions.
The creators have not announced the exact release date of the update. Dead Cells itself was released in 2018, and since then has received positive feedback from both players and the specialized press. The game also received several major and free updates, the latest of which became available in March.
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