5play.org / News / The mobile gaming market generates more money than consoles and PCs combined

The mobile gaming market generates more money than consoles and PCs combined

The mobile gaming market generates more money than consoles and PCs combined
The research company International Data Corporation conducted a study of the state of the video game market. As a result, it turned out that gamers spend more money on mobile entertainment than on traditional niches of consoles and personal computers.

The mobile gaming market generates more money than consoles and PCs combined

The mobile market has recently shown steady growth, but with the advent of the coronavirus pandemic, its development has gone even faster. According to Lexi Sidow, head of marketing research at IDC, COVID-19 has accelerated this process. She also notes that the virus has attracted more users to the field of mobile games, with some of the new users not previously interested in this type of entertainment.

According to experts, this year there will be an even greater expansion of the mobile market to 136 billion dollars. At the moment, the total projects for the iOS and Android platforms equal 61% of the global video game market. At the same time, mobile gamers spend an average of $1.6 billion per week.
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