Finnish scientist Topi Chzhukanov, who works for the mapping company Mapbox, has developed an interactive map with the birth regions of famous people. In total, there are 2.3 million people on it. These are athletes, scientists, politicians, representatives of the arts and other areas.

All names on the map of the geographer are taken from the most complete and accessible databases of Wikipedia and Wikidata. Among the information available to users are the city of birth of a person, the popularity rating based on the volume of search queries, and whether they are currently alive.
According to the information provided, Jesus Christ is on the 204th place in the list of celebrities, Leo Tolstoy is on the 92nd line, Fyodor Dostoyevsky is on the 85th. Leonardo da Vinci is generally in the top 3. You can view the map here.

All names on the map of the geographer are taken from the most complete and accessible databases of Wikipedia and Wikidata. Among the information available to users are the city of birth of a person, the popularity rating based on the volume of search queries, and whether they are currently alive.
According to the information provided, Jesus Christ is on the 204th place in the list of celebrities, Leo Tolstoy is on the 92nd line, Fyodor Dostoyevsky is on the 85th. Leonardo da Vinci is generally in the top 3. You can view the map here.
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