5play.org / News / Page 352


GTA remasters found the source code of the game that allows you to make mods
14 527

GTA remasters found the source code of the game that allows you to make mods

Google Play received a global update
1 330

Google Play received a global update

The new functionality of Google Camera will appear on the "pixels" of past generations
1 025

The new functionality of Google Camera will appear on the "pixels" of past generations

Top-notch images of space come from the leading space agency
1 108

Top-notch images of space come from the leading space agency

Porsche can predict accidents

Porsche can predict accidents

SpaceX is consistently evolving its internet technology for everyone

SpaceX is consistently evolving its internet technology for everyone

Учёные нашли выход от чересчур долгой зарядки электромобилей

Учёные нашли выход от чересчур долгой зарядки электромобилей

Британские учёные в содружестве со словенцами создали аналог сети Wi-Fi на основе быстрых нейтронов

Британские учёные в содружестве со словенцами создали аналог сети Wi-Fi на основе быстрых нейтронов

Motorola unveils its smartwatch

Motorola unveils its smartwatch

Qualcomm Snapdragon 898 опередит всех

Qualcomm Snapdragon 898 опередит всех