Pavel Durov announced the launch of an advertising platform in Telegram. The creator of the messenger assured that it would not cause any inconvenience to users due to the competent approach to the
The announcement of a superhero project about a team of Galaxy defenders divided the players: the former found the game interesting, and the latter predicted it a failure, as happened with the recent
A roadmap of the new Motorola smart watch has been posted online. From it you can understand that the company will soon announce a device with a traditional round design. Also, the manufacturer,
Google announced that some of the features from the new Pixel 6 will be available for past generations of devices. The manufacturer will try to implement as many useful options as possible, but this
Intel processor tested in Geekbench benchmark. The test results show that the chip bypasses Apple's competitor M1 Max in terms of performance and is able to become the most powerful solution in